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Configure Notification Backoff

Name Type Default Description
DOLCE_MIN_TIMEOUT number 10 Minimum number of seconds between notifications
DOLCE_MAX_TIMEOUT number 60*60*24 (1 day) Maximum number of seconds between notifications
DOLCE_MULTIPLIER number 10 Multiplier to increase the timeout with each message

The delay between notifications is calculated as $delay(n) = min(m * f ^ n, M)$ where $n$ is the current iteration of the backoff algorithm.

If you assume you have a container that has a problem and repeatetly restarts every second starting $t=0$, you will receive the following notifications with the default settings

$n$ $delay$ $t$ $t_n = t_(n-1) + delay$
1 $10 * 10 ^ 0$ 10 $0 + delay$ 10
2 $10 * 10 ^ 1$ 100 $10 + delay$ 110
3 $10 * 10 ^ 2$ 1_000 $110 + delay$ 1110
4 $10 * 10 ^ 3$ 10_000 $1110 + delay$ 11110
5 $60 * 60 * 24$ 86_400 $11110 + delay$ 97510
6 $60 * 60 * 24$ 86_400 $97510 + delay$ 97510

From this moment nothing changes anymore and you will receive a new message every 24h. $n$ wil be reset if the delay for the next notification passes and no events happen that would require a new notification. This means: if you fix the problem and everything is quiet for the next 24 hours and breaks again after that time, you will be notified within DOLCE_MIN_TIMEOUT seconds again.