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Setup other Notifications

While the build-in notifiers are all tailored to a rich experience that uses the available features of the platform, it is impossible to support all available notification services.

For this reason, Dolce supports Apprise to cover loads of notification services.

To avoid having to bundle Apprise into the Docker containers, Dolce relies on the Apprise API that can simply be hosten in another docker container.

Available Settings:

You can configure chat notifications using the following environment variables

Name Type Default Description
APPRISE_HOST string Host where the Apprise API is running
APPRISE_PROTOCOL http | https http Protocol to connect tp the host
APPRISE_URLS string space separated list of Apprise URLs
APPRISE_TAG string tag that receives the notifications
APPRISE_TYPE info | success | warning | failure info Type of the notification


  apprise: # (1)!
    image: caronc/apprise:latest

    image: dangrie158/dolce:v3.3.0
    restart: unless-stopped
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
      APPRISE_HOST: apprise:8000 # (2)!
      APPRISE_URLS: >- # (3)!
  1. This is the simplest configuration to get the Apprise service running. See the Apprise API documentation for more involved examples.
  2. We reference the containername from before
  3. Use YAML multi-line strings to get a space separated string but keep the docker compose file readable. In the linux kernel the maximum size for any environment variable is 128KB so this should be enough for most applications. Otherwise you can use tags in a mounted Apprise configuration.

See this page for a full list of available notifiers.